Energy is a concept that has evolved throughout history. Originally, it was understood as a mystical and spiritual force that moved everything in the universe. However, as science advanced, new types of energy related to physics and chemistry were discovered.
Spiritual energy refers to a life force that is present in all living beings and that, according to some beliefs, can be controlled and directed through practices such as meditation, prayer, and mantras. It is believed that this energy can be used to improve health, increase consciousness, and connect with the universe.
On the other hand, physical energy refers to the ability of a system to do work, measured in joules or watts. This energy can be transformed from one form to another, such as electrical, thermal, mechanical, etc. It can be obtained from natural sources such as the sun, wind, water, or through artificial processes such as electric generators.
Although spiritual and physical energy may be different in nature, they can also be related and have a mutual impact on the human body and mind. Mantric machines, for example, combine elements of both energies by using physical movement to generate electrical energy while focusing on spiritual energy through mantras and meditation.
Inducto Khor is a system of inductive machines that generate physical and spiritual energy which manifest spatially as sound oscillations, emanating from electromagnetic induction and the release of hydrogen and oxygen from water molecules. Tibetan Buddhism developed a meditative practice of compassion using mantras that are recited while turning cylinders called Mani Khor. These are hand-carved on the outside with the Sanskrit mantra “Om Mane Padme Hum”, and inside they contain a rolled parchment where the same mantra is written thousands of times.
By turning the cylinder, the practitioner amplifies their desire for compassion through this action. The concept of Khor is a physical manifestation of the idea of “turning the wheel of dharma,” which describes the Buddha’s conception of compassion in the social induction of his perception, namely, compassion for other beings to stop suffering.
Inducto Khor is a system of five inductive machines surrounding a central sixth one. Each machine is composed of a crystal cylinder placed inside a wooden base with a triangular shape that is held by a triangular structure. Inside this cylinder is a “Joe cell”, which is an alternative energy system composed of a series of 5 concentric cylinders of non-magnetic stainless steel submerged in water.
By turning a crank, the practitioner drives the rotation of the cylinder thanks to a series of gears. A central gear with the mantra “om mane padme hum” cut into its exterior supports and rotates the crystal cylinder. This gear in turn drives three small gears placed at each corner of the triangle. These gears are connected to alternate motors which, when rotated thanks to the principle of induction, generate electrical energy. These motors are part of a subsystem whose function is to provide energy to other subsystems.
One of them generates energy for a sound amplifier that feeds back on itself by emitting the sound oscillation of the wave generated by the induction. The volume and tone vary according to the rotation. The energy from another motor/gear is used to power the “j-cell”, which is a kind of electrostatic inductor capacitor. This polarizes and ionizes water molecules, releasing hydrogen and oxygen atoms through electrolysis. The hydrogen is channeled into a cell that transforms it into electrical energy. The energy from the third motor/gear is stored in an ultracapacitor.
The five Inducto Khor machines, being interconnected yet independent, allow the practitioner to carry out a successive process of transformation of mechanical energy to electrical energy and vice versa. This generated energy is used to nurture perception processes. The gears, while producing sound, generate energy from the sound amplified by the electromagnetism. Additionally, thanks to the rotation of water in the crystal cylinders, vortices are generated that molecularly separate the water by the physical energy of the practitioner, releasing atoms that re-form covalent bonds and transform back into water, releasing electrical energy in the process. This accumulated collective energy is used to activate the central khor, which will begin to rotate, amplifying the mantra Om Mani Padme Hum.
This system of inductive machines, which is activated by individual and collective interaction, provides physical and spiritual energy in a process that evokes the need for social interaction for the common good. By feeding back through energetic, sonorous, electric, collective, and spiritual induction, prayers for a social reform based on a balanced understanding of peace and sustainable linking of energy and social processes in nature are amplified. This system combines practical perceptions and both scientific and mystical methods. On the one hand, there is the spiritual aspect of the khor in the amplification of mantras, specifically the “Om Mane Padme Hum”, which represents a desire for compassion for humanity and nature. On the other hand, there is electromagnetic induction as a process for generating clean and sustainable energy for social, environmental, and peace benefits.
induktokhor es una obra comicionada para la muestra ” SINERGIA” Laboratorio Arte Alameda
arcangel constantini 2008
Karla Jasso
apoyo ,
santiago itzcoatl , planos . construcción
mauricio alvarez construcción
miguel mendoza construcción
amor munoz soporte construcción
leopoldo cecilio , carpintería
luis Perez , herrería
Dr Natan Zachs , ing mario alvarez ( San-Son ) Metales
Dr. Solorza Feria Omar CINESTAV