
Phonotube son instrumentos experimentales para acciones performaticas sonoras y visuales en vivo , construidos como instrumentos lumínicos y secuenciadores sonoros, que utilizan tubos de luz fluorescente y tiras de leds como fuentes de luz, los tubos están cubiertos con negativos de ofsset, con patrones sonoros impresos que giran a velocidad variable , la oscilación de la luz que emiten estos patrones es transducida por la  excitación lumínica a procesos sonoros mediante una variedad de circuitos electrónicos como pre-amplificadores de foto-celdas y foto-diodos , osciladores por control de voltaje, relevadores ,circuitos de filtraje, sistemas de 1bit. el principio esta basado en el photophone patentado por graham bell y experimentadores visuales como Norman Mclaren, que utilizaba el sonido óptico del cine, revirtiendo su proceso, para experimentar con el, en la historia de la invención de instrumentos electrónicos , el estudio del comportamiento como partícula u onda de la luz y su aplicación a procesos sonoros  a tenido un lugar relevante y en la actualidad el es una de las areas de investigación científica con mayor potencial en la comunicación humana,


Phonotube are experimental instruments for live audio visual performance, constructed as Luminous instruments and sound sequencers, that use fluorescent lamp tubes and LED strips, as light sources. The tubes are covered with ofsset negative's , printed with sound patterns that spin at variable speed. The oscillation from the light emitted by these patterns is transduced to sound, processed by light excitation, a variety of electronic circuits as pre-amps with photo-cells and phototransitors, voltage control oscillators, relays, Filters, 1bit attiny85 micro controler. The technological principle is based on the photophone, patented by Graham Bell  and inspired by audio visuals experimenters as Norman Mclaren,that used the optical sound technology of Film.  In the history of the invention of electronic sound instruments, the study of light and its behavior as a particle or wave, and its application to sound processes, had a relevant position and is currently, one of the areas of scientific research with the greatest potential in human communication.



arc.luzzz projects



-Bent Festival Brooklin New York , USA 2011

-Three Junture Of remix , Calit2 Auditorioum UCSD San Diego, USA 2013

-Oculo+PhonoTube Live, -->Metting Point<-- Casa Daros, Rio de Janeiro,Brasil 2014

-Sight & Sound , EasternBlock Montreal Quebec Canada 2014

-NUEVOS ENFOQUES CMMAS Morelia Michoacan 2015

-Phonotube & OculO & PercuLed Live : -->Volta<-- Centro Cultural España 2016



We Make Money Not Art






Phonotube Live Bent Festival New York

Phonotube Live : Calit2 auditorium UCSD " three junctures of remix" 2013

Arcángel Constantini. Mexico. Produces work of a marked ludic-experimental nature, strongly influenced by the fortuitous, chaotic processes of the city as reflected in the systematic use of error aesthetics. His work and artistic practice explore the dynamics of visual and sound works, low-tech installations, propaganda action, visual/sound performance, hardware hacking , physical computing,  installation , sound art and net art
As an Independent curator , has been developing the program of Cyberlounge, Museo Rufino Tamayo since 2001 ,was part of curatorial team for  Transitio Mx electronic art festival  , and is part of dorkbot mexico df  council 
holder of awards, among them the Prize for Best Multimedia Work at Vidarte, Video and Electronic Arts Festival, CENART (Mexico City, 1999); and the Bronze Prize for his project 123456789px.htm, MCMOGATK, Machida City Museum of Graphic Arts, Tokyo and Art on the Net, 1999.First price for Atari-noise at Interference festival france 2000 ,  he is part of Sistema Nacional de Creadores Fonca grant 05-08 11-13, in 2002 received the Rockefeller / Macarthur grant for new media production  , director of ¼  an independent electronic art exhibition and laboratory  , he has participated with his work in countries as ,Peru , Germany, Holland, Japan, Italy , Canada , United Kingdom ,France ,Uruguay , Brazil , Australia, Spain ,Korea , Puerto Rico ,Brasil  etc


research on light , sound, visuals, and energy process













Alexander Graham Bell



Norman Mclaren

visula music


Fernando Crudo


Derek Holzer



actual sound art with light


tonewheels Derek holzer


sound cameras : eric archer


sound lens , toshio iwai



Phonotube & OculO Live : -->Metting Point<-- CasaDaros Rio De Janeiro / OculO

Phonotube & OculO Live : -->Metting Point<-- CasaDaros Rio De Janeiro

Phonotube & OculO Live : -->Metting Point<-- CasaDaros Rio De Janeiro

Phonotube & OculO Live : -->Metting Point<-- CasaDaros Rio De Janeiro

Phonotube & OculO Live : Bent Festival , Photo by Philp Stearns

Phonotube & OculO Live : Sound & Sight Festival

Phonotube & OculO Live : Sound & Sight Festival

Phonotube & OculO Live : Sound & Sight Festival


Phonotube & OculO PercuLed CMMAS , Morelia Michoacan

Phonotube & OculO Live : -->Volta<-- Centro Cultural España

Phonotube & OculO Live : -->Volta<-- Centro Cultural España

Phonotube & OculO Live : -->Volta<-- Centro Cultural España

Phonotube & OculO Live : -->Volta<-- Centro Cultural España

Phonotube & OculO Live : -->Volta<-- Centro Cultural España

Phonotube & OculO Live : -->Volta<-- Centro Cultural España